“I had to wait half an hour or more”
We never know what kind of problem is coming through the surgery door and some of our patients require a lot of time in order to deal with their problems effectively. It is not possible for us just to press a buzzer to say “Your 10 minutes are up, out you go”. The time, should you require it, will be given to you. Please be patient with other people's needs.
“He made me come to the surgery”
With modern transport, it is possible for most people to come to the surgery - even children with temperatures who we can arrange to see very soon after their arrival. A far greater number of patients can be given quick attention in this way. Not having a car is not a medical problem.
“I can never get through. They won’t answer the phone”
However many telephone lines we may have, however many receptionists, it seems there will never be enough for the busiest times of the week, particularly Monday and most mornings between 8.00am and 11.30am. We must stress that if the number is engaged, please do not give up. Just dial the number a few more times if needs be and you will slot in. If the matter is not urgent, it may be best to leave it until a little later in the day when the phone is not quite so busy.
“I had to pay”
Most services offered carry no charge as they come under the NHS. However, some do involve a fee, as set down by the British Medical Association and these include private medicals, HGV, pre-employment, fitness for sporting activities such as diving or go-kart racing, private certificates, private medical care forms, holiday cancellation, vaccination certificates and passports. Various other documentation, not covered under general medical services, is chargeable.